Getting back into Incubating-5 years since I last incubated.


14 Years
May 29, 2008
Sauk Rapids, MN
I just found out a couple weeks ago that you can buy eggs on E-bay. So I thought I would give it a try.
I bought 10+ Mille Flure eggs (which turned out to be 36 when they arrived)

It was day 5 last night, and I couldn't wait any longer so I candled a few to see if I could spot any signs of development. And everyone I candled did!! I am so exited now.
My hubby ordered some wild turkeys (started them Saturday), and I have 5 eggs our hen was sitting on until yesterday in another incuabator.
I will keep you posted on the progress. Wish me luck!
Ah, isn't it great? Such a temptation. Welcome back to bator watching.
Sounds like you did well with the seller and the PO too if you have that much development. Of course, shipped eggs tend to have more problems at every stage, including hatch. But they can also be just fine. I've gotten 95% hatches with them. Good luck!

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