Getting Chickens to Forage


Feb 9, 2021
I am hoping I can get my chicks to forage for insects. I didn't have access to a lot of choice, I got Barred Rocks, Rhode Island Reds, and Hamburgs. I understand that Guineas, which I had last year, but for a couple of reasons cannot have this year, are apparently the best at this, but what have people experienced trying to get chickens, and these specific breeds, to forage? (this is a fenced apple orchard) If you didn't feed them would they just be confused and sad and starve? Or would they eventually start looking around for things (I'm obviously not planning on doing that, but I am curious about trying to reduce feedings to see if they will naturally start to figure it out). Or are there tricks/ways of teaching them to forage that people have found? I haven't received them yet, so I have some time to figure things out.
If the bugs are easily visible where the chickens roam, they will eat them.
No need to withhold access to feed.

Where is the orchard in relation to the coop/run?
What kind of bugs are you hoping them to decimate?

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