Getting Ducks Back in at Night?

Country Gal

12 Years
Feb 2, 2007
Capac, MI
We had gotten some ducks a couple years ago and tried just moving them into the barn after they were finished brooding - I think they were 6-8 weeks old at that point. It didn't work out so well, something would snatch one of them every night, so we started rounding them up each night (thankfully, my dog is an excellent herder!). One night it was pouring rain and we couldn't find them (they always traveled as a pack) and the next day I saw them running around the backyard of the neighbor across the street. Since he had a large pond, I figured they may just be happier over there (and maybe a little safer).

So today we picked up 7 ducklings at TSC... they are happily in the brooder in the garage. Our plan this go around will be to build a small structure for them and fence it in (similar to the chicken coop and run), but I really want them to be able to run around the yard as well. Will they automatically go back into their "home" at dusk, like the chickens do, or will I still need to round them up myself?

And what are they going to do when winter comes? Are they going to try to fly south for the winter???

I don't think the breeds of ducks from TSC know from flying south for the winter.... As for rounding them up for the night, I'd suggest bribery--- give them their feed in the evening when you are rounding them up. I think that may get them in the habit of going in for the night.

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