Getting eggs in the actual nest box..


11 Years
Aug 31, 2008
Humboldt County, CA
I finally got an egg! Two eggs, actually. I found them today in a make-shift nest on the side of the house, so no clue how long they've been there or who laid them exactly.

I have two nest boxes in the coop with a fake egg in each to give them a clue, but apparently they didn't get the hint. Are they going to eventually lay in the nest boxes or is there something I can do to coax them into laying in there?

I covered up the impromptu nest with a board to keep them from continuing to lay in that spot.

About all I've found to do is keep them locked in the coop & pen with the nesting box. She will probably just find another spot she thinks looks good and make another nest. With my free rangers they have their favorite spots and I just don't disturb it except for taking the eggs everyday and I just know where to check. They can be real creative in where they lay. I have one hen that lays in a 5 gal bucket half full of wheat everyday like clockwork!

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