Getting guineas to leave the coop


5 Years
Feb 5, 2017
Ontario, Canada
Hi everyone! I am new to the guinea world and got 6 guinea keets in the spring with the intent of having them free range to help control ticks on our property. They are now 3 months old and we can't seem to get them to leave their coop! We have had their coop door wide open every day for over month, and they won't so much as step a toe outside. My hubby says it's because he built them too good of a coop! They have nice high rafters that they hang out on all day/night, and only come down to the ground to eat from their feeder. We have tried chasing them out but they just panic and fly in every direction, hitting the walls and ceiling. Any suggestions on getting them to leave?
Hi everyone! I am new to the guinea world and got 6 guinea keets in the spring with the intent of having them free range to help control ticks on our property. They are now 3 months old and we can't seem to get them to leave their coop! We have had their coop door wide open every day for over month, and they won't so much as step a toe outside. My hubby says it's because he built them too good of a coop! They have nice high rafters that they hang out on all day/night, and only come down to the ground to eat from their feeder. We have tried chasing them out but they just panic and fly in every direction, hitting the walls and ceiling. Any suggestions on getting them to leave?
I would just continue to leave the door open. As they mature and get more brave, they should eventually come out. Guineas are pretty freaky and it takes them a long time to adapt to any changes in their environment. My initial flock of keets took months to go outside the coop and when they finally ventured outside, they would spend their day hiding out in the tall grass. For awhile, I thought they might be vegetarian because I couldn't get them to eat any bugs. By late fall, they started to roam more and by the following spring, they were free ranging and eating bugs like proper guineas. At some point, between instinct and curiosity, they will venture out, but your probably going to have to be patient and wait it out awhile longer. Continuing to chase them outside may just make them more freaky and they may injure themselves in the process. Good luck!
Hi everyone! I am new to the guinea world and got 6 guinea keets in the spring with the intent of having them free range to help control ticks on our property. They are now 3 months old and we can't seem to get them to leave their coop! We have had their coop door wide open every day for over month, and they won't so much as step a toe outside. My hubby says it's because he built them too good of a coop! They have nice high rafters that they hang out on all day/night, and only come down to the ground to eat from their feeder. We have tried chasing them out but they just panic and fly in every direction, hitting the walls and ceiling. Any suggestions on getting them to leave?
Forgot to say welcome to BYC! :welcome

What part part of Ontario do you live in? We recently had to move away from Iowa and had to rehome my guineas, so reading about your crazy little keets makes me miss mine! We are headed to Florida this fall but have been spending the summer near Sarnia, Ontario. It's beautiful here and we are loving Lake Huron!
Forgot to say welcome to BYC! :welcome

What part part of Ontario do you live in? We recently had to move away from Iowa and had to rehome my guineas, so reading about your crazy little keets makes me miss mine! We are headed to Florida this fall but have been spending the summer near Sarnia, Ontario. It's beautiful here and we are loving Lake Huron!

Thank you! Guineas have been a fun project so far, and I'm glad to hear that they should venture out as they get older, that's what I was hoping! We live outside Kingston, and this area is pretty bad for ticks. We have lots of land and friendly neighbours so we figured we'd give guineas a try! At 3 months old they aren't too loud yet, and I quite enjoy their noises. I'm looking forward to when they start roaming around our place!

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