Getting my Meat Birds!!!! Pic of brooder on page 2!

Chicken Girl

11 Years
Dec 31, 2008
ok so 70 coming this week!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I havent done this in 3 years! Please every one refresh my memory?! PLEASE!!! I have chick starter, a heat lamp, bedding, water. what else do i need? I know i have to take the food away at night starting on the 5th day. Any thing else? please tell me this is worth it!!!

Chicken Girl
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Have fun, your brooder must be huge!

From what I've read on here I think most people are leaving feed in till 2wo. Not that I'm an expert, never raised Cornish x, only duel purpose here but I read about them with interest.
Woooohooooo! Congrats! Can I come over for BBQ when you're done???

Re-read the stickies at the top of the section!! I do that all the time, even though I don't need all the info right away. It makes me feel more calm and comfortable about the whole process.

You got your hands full, Girl!
When i did my meat birds 3 years ago, i took the food away at 5 days. i get them from Welp Hatchery, and they say to do it on the 5th day. But hey! you never know!!! And yes i have a pritty good size brooder. i will take pics after i get it ready!!!

Chicken Girl
Yea i will fly you out for a BBQ!!! lol Thanks!!

Chicken Girl

WOOT! I'll hold you to it! lol

Can't wait to see your pics. I always like brooder pics... I need more ideas for MORE CHICKS!
I closed off the whole back area of my coop just for a broder i you look on my "page" there is pics of my coop so from the farthest windo all the way acros to the other side, is how big it is. but i will put pics on tomorrow.
I must be different than everyone else. I started my CX's and BR's on chick crumble at day one and never took it away. They had crumble and fresh water at all times. I kept the heat lamp on until they feathered. Of course this was Michigan and until they feathered the temperatures were still cool outside. . When they were about 6 weeks (half life for the CX) I switched to flock raiser crumble. I then started giving the BR's worms, mulberries, and other goodies. My CX birds went to frezzer camp just shy of 12 weeks averaging between 14 and 10 pounds.

Where are you keeping that many birds? That's some square footage for sure!

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