Getting pullets to sleep on the roosting bar?

I have 3 chickens in the coop now and only one of them uses the roost the other two sleep together on the coop floor. I didn't put the nest boxes in until they were 18 weeks old and none of them go in them. I have one chicken that started laying last Saturday and she has been using the floor of the run. It seems my girls are a little challanged.
I put a little roost in with them, even as tiny day-old chicks. It was only about 3 inches off the ground. I made it out of PVC pipe. By about 5 weeks they were fighting over who got to sleep on it. So cute to see the little balls of fluff all perched across it.

When I added a higher roost, 24" up, at 12 weeks, they all went on that, preferring the higher roosting perch.

They went right up to the roosts when they were moved in to the big girls coop with the rest of my flock. I've never had to block off the nest boxes.

I've got 21, including a couple roos.
I would suggest closing off access to the nest boxes until they are roosting regularly. I did not open access to my nest boxes until they actually started laying eggs and I have not had any issues. Of course, the chickens will want to get as high as possible, so lower the nest boxes or raise the roost if needed.
We had that problem and found a simple solution. Just before sundown we block the nesting boxes and that forces them onto the perches. It didn't take long at all for them to get used to that (about a week) and now they ignore the unblocked nesting boxes. Also, make sure they have adequate room on the perches. Very often pullets will choose the nesting box rather than having to deal with an older hen fussing at them or in some cases even a group of older or bully pullets.
Oh my, so many answers! I read through each and everyone, and the common consensus is to block off the nesting box. They are the only ones in the coop. And it is a rather small coop, with only 1 roosting bar about 2 feet off the ground, with 4 attached nesting boxes, so I can't take those out. But, I will be blocking off the boxes until laying age or until they learn to sleep on the roosting bar- I will let you all know how this goes! Thanks so much again, everyone, for all the replies!

ETA: Ah, I see why this got so many replies- it's on the main carousel! Woop woop for being featured!
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If you want young pullets and cockerels to use the roosting perch, you need to simply put them on it.

The first night my now ten-week olds spent in their coop, they slept on the roosting perch because that's where I placed them. When they hopped down, I put them right back up there and stroked their backs until they calmed down. The secret is to do it as close to dark as possible and place them very close together so they can feel the security of touching each other on both sides. Squeeze them up against a wall, if you can.

It took just three nights and they were hopping up onto the perch all by themselves. After five nights, they were putting themselves into the coop at nightfall. They were just five weeks old when they moved into the coop.
How can I get my 4 pullets to sleep on the roosting bar? Right now, they only sleep in a certain nesting box, and lots of poop accumulates in it, and it just gets really messy. They know the bar is there- at least I have seen two of them on it. Whenever I take one of the other 2, who I have not seen on the roosting bar, out of the coop, the 2 of them will hop up into their roosting bar and start peeping for their sister to come back. Either way-- they will not sleep up there, and the nesting box is becoming a pain. Will they just go up their in time or do I need to train them in some way?

I found that as long as the roosts are the highest thing in the coop, they'll settle there. Their natural instinct is safety is higher. If your nests are higher or the same level as the roost, try moving one so the roost is the highest thing in the coop.
I have 3 levels of bars, all higher than the nesting boxes. I just opened the boxes up a couple of days ago, since I have 4 that could start laying, but my 3 month olds all sleep huddled up in a ball on the floor. I can't really get in there to move them to the roots at night, but they aren't sleeping in the boxes either. In fact they won't even go in there!!
I also had the same issue with my Australorp girls, to solve the issue I blocked off the nest boxes until they are older and ready to start laying.. all three of my girls now roost (most of the time) ;) Good luck

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