Getting rid of mosquitoes inside a few coops

We border a forest that has a creek running through down a steep hill behind our house and coop. In the spring, it floods down there from snow melt and creates a marsh for a few months. We get so many mosquitoes you'd practically breathe them when you went outside. So we declared war.

We bought 1st Saturday Lime and sprinkled that all over down in the ponds and marshy areas in the spring and if it floods again after that during torrential rain, we do it again. That's safe for fish and frogs, etc. btw.

Look around your property for anything that catches rainwater like old tires is a classic one. Anything that collects rainwater is a breeding ground for mosquitos.

A zapper draws them, so you wouldn't want that by your coop anyway. If you get one, set it a distance away from your home or the coop.

We bought these mosquito dunks and put half of one in a white 5-gallon bucket half full of water. We made four of those which are spaced on bricks too high for the chickens over the 2.5 acres. That will draw mosquitos to lay their eggs in there and they die.

Lemon grass is good for chickens, but if you want to plant it as a deterrent for mosquitoes, just plant some in pots and hang them from shepherd's hooks.

Killing what you can and eliminating sources where they breed reduces their population exponentially.
Thank you very much, I'll check with the lemon grass tbh. We own some pots and there are lemongrass in my house but gotta hope the chickens dont eat it
I'll try but the electrical works but be really annoying with the coops tbh
Zappers draw mosquitoes, so you wouldn't put it by the coop but set it a distance away. Every morning, or weekly, depending on the kind you get, clean it out and throw the corpses on the ground and the chickens clean up. Moths are a bonus. ☺️
Gema, please put your location in your avatar. Notice that Debbie292d is in Wisconsin. I am in Michigan. We frigid temperatures, which kills the mosquitos every year. Won't work for you.

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