Getting Started


6 Years
Mar 25, 2017
Petersboro, Utah
My Coop
My Coop
Hey all! I'm just getting back into having chickens after 2 years and I'm wanting to go a step further than just keeping chickens. I've always dreamt of having s homestead and just can't keep waiting. If like to get started selling eggs and chicks but I have no experience with good breeding programs or how to go about selling. Any tips would be wonderful, especially about people I can go to for help (I live in Northern Utah) and where to get good breeding stock. I can't afford to put in too much right now as I've just started college but my parents have a lot of space that I can use and I'm eager to learn and start!

I would love to breed and sell Japanese bantam as my first bantam was a black tailed whit Japanese roo and he lived longer than the rest of my flock. However, I am open to other suggestions.

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