Getting the flock out of here - a diary of a crazy chicken man

Yeah it seems like they had ample warning if this is just the employee handbook! You see the pride thing with Vietnamese too, it's considered bad form for a wife to even disagree with her husband in front of others, much less for people not in the family to reprimand someone. My grandfather and the uncles raised in Vietnam will do what they do. You don't see the pride as much in Americanized Viet though.
The day of my flight to the Philippines became the great chicken run. December 22, 2012 I headed off to Lake Elsinore at 7am to collect another 18 eggs from my original supplier. These were to be my control group. I knew that I could hatch them in the perfect conditions of my Orange County bedroom but what effects were travelling 7500 miles in a plane, humidity and other still unknown variables going to play in this crazy idea? I would compare hatch rates of these eggs against the others.
Wow . So he was actually really problematic from the start :( .
Unbelievable that he did not just do what he was asked. It did not seem hard to do. He just decided not to do it.

Why can't these guys see that they are on to such a good deal?

They obviously do have all the information and resources available to them to suceed if they want to.
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I have spent a lot of time self evaluating. Each time we lose someone, I look to see what I did wrong first.

I always give my employees the benefit of the doubt. If they do it wrong, maybe it was my instructions that weren't clear.

I think from the get go he was intimidated by the spreadsheets (just punching in numbers) and he as actually getting Ariel to do it. He was adamant in his interview that he could handle it and I watched him balk at return demonstration. The day he was told to lift his game was also the day we said goodbye to Ariel.

He may also have decided to not admit he was unable to perform the reporting tasks

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