Getting the flock out of here - a diary of a crazy chicken man

So I arrived in Spokane and got worse. I spent three days in a cheap hotel room too weak to even go and get food, Work was patient and I am very happy there. look what laid a blue egg
Is it just my screen? That doesn't look like a cream Legbar to me, but it might just be the photo angle. Legbars have white on their hackles.
So I arrived in Spokane and got worse. I spent three days in a cheap hotel room too weak to even go and get food, Work was patient and I am very happy there. look what laid a blue egg
Hmm it does not look quite right. The Legbar parents of the eggs were Jill Rees or "A" line. All good type. I had 14 Legbar hens and one Rees rooster. Also a couple of other random hens that laid tan eggs. I can't remember if I also gave you a box of tan mixed breed tan eggs that time. I think I did. (Wish I hadn't). May be this is from one of thoses?? These are some of the 8 Rees birds when younger The last picture is an A line hen. I hope you have some more hens
If she came from a tan egg then mother was a trader Joe hen (leghorn base) and father Rees Legbar.

You said that the Legbar chicks had got mixed In with others at some point. Guess there may be no way of confirming that she came from a tan egg or a blue one.

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