Getting the flock out of here - a diary of a crazy chicken man

I think Coco Beach Sustainable Poultry is nice. Funny is always good, but not always very descriptive. That one sounds very business like.

We are leaning towards calling the business Coco Beach Farms and market Coco Beach Sustainable Poultry as the website for the chickens. I have no idea where this will lead but if it takes off, then perhaps we will move into imported goats and possibly bee keeping. The bees will not work at the beach but we have some options in the hills. Coco Beach Farms will give us a good launching platform for these other ventures.
Quote: I want to see the golf bag that can hold (and keep inside) these critters, on an aircraft!!
To OZ if he can pull this one off!
Waiting for updates

I want to see the golf bag that can hold (and keep inside) these critters, on an aircraft!!
To OZ if he can pull this one off!
Waiting for updates


Goats will be frozen embryos - they will fit.

Bees will be ok provided tsa does not open it lol

Actually I can get bees there.

Version 2. I wish I could draw

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