Getting the flock out of here - a diary of a crazy chicken man

If I did not love what I am doing I would have quit a long time ago.

The timing was really crappy but it is what it is.

There are two issues at hand

The first is the layout and design of the runs mentioned above. They should be very simple as they are going to be traditional bamboo poles for lumber, bamboo matting for walls and thatch roofs with a 1600 sq foot run. My concern is they may overthink it and try and make them like my breeder coops - using materials i cant afford to waste like coco lumber.

The second is trying to get three gilts (virgin sows) pregnant with a barrow (virgin boar) and guys with no boar experience. Bernie had lots. I may give the boar an extra two months by contracting out the mating of pis 1-3 to a butakal - a stud boar. The boar can either come to cocobeach in a motorbike sidecar (yes its quite a sight) or I can use artificial insemination. Either way it will cost me the pick of each litter - about fifty bucks a sow.

Aljay will learn AI at college so the future looks bright. He got his brown floppy hat and scabbard last week.

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