Getting the flock out of here - a diary of a crazy chicken man

just bumps in the road

Hats off to Mrs Oz who does what it takes to keep my dreams alive
Your dreams will never die, as long as feathered friends are there, in your journey, come rough & stormy weather. To God be the glory! For the new hands, there is always a first time. But as time goes on with work list to remind them, everything will be mastered as expected & hope for.
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These guys are amazing road warriers - the three hour drive is a breeze for them. The are either asleep or getting an education out the window. Tablets are banned in the car. There is just too much to see in the real world
I absolutely love this! I think great learning opportunities are passed up because children have their eyes glued to a screen in the car. We have taken a 5000 mile road trip and many shorter 1600 mile trips in the summer with two young children (3 and 1 at the time, will be 6 and 4 for our next one) with nothing to entertain them but the open road. We talk, we laugh, we play 20 questions. I wouldn't trade that time for the world.
maybe I will fly OGM over for the summer to straighten them all out

You can fly me over. I don't know squat about pigs and horrible housekeeper, but chickens are my thing. And as an added bonus I happen to know a little English.

I could never forget it - even on the days when I want to slip her a feed of shellfish - which is not too often 

Mrs Oz will be here in two weeks :weee

The car seat was a hand-me-down gift from a friend after her son spent six years in it.They are great seats. Without them I dont think they could handle the three and four hour road trips.

Congrats on mrs oz coming. I bet she's more excited than you are.

New onset wonky gait could mean Mareks
uh oh
i followed ur instructions i think.
I had to drop a family member at the train station for her ride home to Brisbane, via Sydney. Thought it was an opportunity to get a Cocobeach tee pic!



The Indian Pacific, over 700m long (nearly half a mile) 30 carriages, 4000hp engine. Average trip speed of 85kph. Takes 3 days and 3 nights from Perth to Sydney.

My sons farewelling their great grandmother.


Hope you day is improving.
I had to drop a family member at the train station for her ride home to Brisbane, via Sydney. Thought it was an opportunity to get a Cocobeach tee pic!

The Indian Pacific, over 700m long (nearly half a mile) 30 carriages, 4000hp engine. Average trip speed of 85kph. Takes 3 days and 3 nights from Perth to Sydney.

My sons farewelling their great grandmother.

Hope you day is improving.
My days are always good but you just made this one better

Slim Dusty – Indian Pacific Lyrics

From coast to coast by night and day, hear the clickin' of the wheels
The hummin' of the diesel on her ribbons of steel
Carryin' the memories of a nation built by hand
See the Indian Pacific span the land

She's the pride of all the railway men 'cross country where she flies
From the blue Pacific waters to where the mountains rise
By lakes and wide brown rivers, through desert country dry
See the Indian Pacific passin' by

Oh the Indian Pacific she goes rollin' down the track
Five thousand miles to travel before she's there and back

Beside the line, a drover waves his battered old grey hat
And kids are catchin' yabbies down by the river flat
And a woman hangs her washing in a backyard near the line
As the Indian Pacific's rollin' by


Hear the whistle blowin' lonely 'neath the Nullabor star light
Saluting those who walk across the track she romps tonight
Callin' to the railway camp and the fettlers on the line
I'm the Indian Pacific, right on time

From the silver of the Broken Hill to old Kalgoorlie gold
She mirrors all the colours of the land so hard and old
Then the western clouds are blooming and the air is just like wine
And the Indian Pacific's makin' time

Oh the Indian Pacific she goes rollin' down the track
Five thousand miles to travel before she's there and back

From the waters of the western sea to the eastern ocean sand
The Indian Pacific spans the land
Oh the Indian Pacific spans the land

I just got really homesick for Australia lol - doesnt happen to often but.........

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