Getting the flock out of here - a diary of a crazy chicken man

I agree with Maryhysong, mark and weigh as you go. Eggs should lose 11-13 per cent of initial weight during the first 18 days of incubation. If they are losing too much weight you can increase your humidity to slow it down or vice versa.

I would also send the breeder an email conveying concerns about the shells. At least that way if the result is poor then you stand a chance to get replacements or money back (if you chose to) At the very least, the breed would have some feedback about the product being sold.

The breeder should really offer to replace the eggs.

I have never hatched a porous egg successfully
Are you saying the porous shells and the good shells were from the same pullet? If so, have you make notes as to diet and how this problem was overcome?
yes they were and I only got porous shells one week. So I think something was going on either with the weather or perhaps her oystershell was empty; Its been awhile and I really don't remember exactly what might have been going on at the time. Just one of those glitches. All other eggs before and after about a 4 day period were fine.
I have hatched many porous shelled eggs without any problems....

I have 6 Wheaten/Blue Wheaten/Spash Ameraucana chicks in my bator now that came from shipped, porous eggs.
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Thanks guys! I guess I'll just have to wait and see what happens! The breeder has said that if I don't have a good hatch, he will replace the eggs, so that's a good thing! He also sent 11 extras, so here's hoping!
I wanted to share my baby with y'all... she'll actually be a week old tomorrow. Been busy, obviously, and we've had some health issues (nothing severe, more of a nuisance than anything).

Ms Amelia Eleanora (and her daddy)


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