Getting the flock out of here - a diary of a crazy chicken man

thanks vehve.

a nurse friend of mine from Switzerland said they hydrated humans sub cut but I had not done it. I was considering it. the sow is drinking well and is not too weak to jump up when I felt for veins in her ear..

she weighs in excess of 220kg so the blood loss is significant but not massive. I will give her oral fluids and iron injections along with b vitamins once we get through this.

I just hope she delivers whatever else she has in there so we can relax.

I just came to the house for a bite and will head back in 20
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good luck Oz with the pig.
Okay Oz, here's the best way to hydrate your pig that doesn't involve iv fluids. Apparently they can be hydrated rectally. You need a tube and a funnel, drive the tube into the rectum about elbow deep, and pour in fluids. About 10 liters should be safe. You can use either pure water, saline or electrolytes, I'm guessing in this case the latter options would be better.
And according to my inhouse vet, about half will stay in, half will come out. Can be repeated several times per day. The ten liters was taking into account the size of your momma pig, 220 kilos.
now Oz will be thinking of retained fetus or placenta(s). We had a dog die from retained placenta. Oz mentioned retained "else" in line four of post#9761
Never a dull day in the land of Oz
Yup, those piglets need to come out of there, if it doesn't happen naturally Oz is going to have to find some oxytocin or go digging in there by hand. I don't think he wants to perform a c-section.
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