Getting the flock out of here - a diary of a crazy chicken man

Ach du gut, Congrats! I am so glad just minor issues! My goodness she is beautiful and what a blessing awwwweee,
My older sons I swear wont have kids until their 30's or 40's! But we have two weddings coming up very soon! I babysit and always have littles but I want my own grandbaby too!

I'm 31, 32 in August, DH is 33, 34 in August.. we're fairly late in the kid department, especially in this area. In Alabama folks tend to start YOUNG.. like, fresh out of high school young (or in high school..) I think late 20s, early 30s is just perfect.. still got a little of that youthful energy, but none of that "must go and party".
I think I need to plan a vacation to Oregon
The Pacific North West is an amazing place.

Several years ago we flew to Seattle and caught the train back to LA. We became enchanted by it then and promised our return.

We have been to the four corners of the USA and have several trips accross it. Our favorite place in this country is Yellowstone NP.
Well final hatch of 4 br turkey's and 3 ducklings...last one was late hatch out. But seems to be doing well and spent the night in the bator and joined everyone in the brooder eating and drinking. I am turning over the pekin duck raising to my friend going to focus on specific chicken breeds and heritage turkeys.
I wanted to share my baby with y'all... she'll actually be a week old tomorrow. Been busy, obviously, and we've had some health issues (nothing severe, more of a nuisance than anything).

Ms Amelia Eleanora (and her daddy)

Praise the Lord!!! Welcome to the world Ameleanora! God be with you always pretty Baby!
Well final hatch of 4 br turkey's and 3 ducklings...last one was late hatch out. But seems to be doing well and spent the night in the bator and joined everyone in the brooder eating and drinking. I am turning over the pekin duck raising to my friend going to focus on specific chicken breeds and heritage turkeys.
what breeds of turkey are you looking to focus on?

i like the blue slate myself

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