Getting the flock out of here - a diary of a crazy chicken man

Hello Oz, glad to finally 'meet' you...

So, about a month or 2 ago I was asking some advice on a compost area from a certain Finn, and he pointed me in your direction. I live in middle TN and he thought your setup might be closer to what I am looking for.
Once I found your thread, I deemed it only fair and respectful to start at the beginning.
Wow... I am speechless on how to express my thoughts and feelings on how much you have gone through and accomplished in the last 2 years. A huge congratulations for the final adoption of your gorgeous children!!! And I am pleased to see that you are still in your onward march of Chicken Philanthropy in the Philippines, all started by a morning of no eggs with chickens running around your yard, lol.
Also, I am so glad that by the time I reached the current time there was something I could actually add my own .02 into. Go French Blue!

When you have the time, I would love to know a bit more about your compost setup, please. I saw the pics, but would like to know how you handle drainage and airflow or is it not an issue?
Thank you very much for sharing your great adventure and I wish you much success in it's continuance!
my system for composting is pretty straight forward.

we collect for a month in bay 1

at the end of the month that collection goes into bay 2

each week the pile gets moved between bay 2 and bay 3 to ensure its adequately turned.

after 4 weeks its transfered to bay 4.

after 2 weeks we start using the compost as a top dressing for our fruit trees and floer beds. At 4 weeks all remaining gets transferred to vege garden.

We collect pig poop daily - about 10 gallons and spread it out at a 2" thickness. We then cover it with 2" of hardwood sawdust we get from a local re-sawmill. All chicken litter goes in with changes as well as raked up leaves, cuttings and collected carabao poop.

our bays are 4'x8' and 4' high but we accumulate about 2' in a month.
it sickens me. lol

I have shipped 200+ birds - with maybe 500 by the end of the month.- takes its toll on chicken counts.

Everything is actually just more organized. We sorted all the juveniles and sent them off to their new homes
Sounds like everything is coming together! Good for you Oz! I am hoping perhaps to be close to breaking even by the end of this year myself. These birds need to start paying their way!
Don't know if the voting has closed but went and took the survey and it accepted my input. Had to go with the French blue... It just looks so good in a tropical beach type location. That as well as the pink (as stated) seems to predominate in 3rd world tropical areas.

Anyway, pretty cool that you let your followers make some decisions for you. Agree that the white would be less work down the road as there'd be less fading issues, & could help keep the runs a little cooler, but also may be a bit blinding with the sun reflectivity. Sure whatever is decided, it will look awesome

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