Getting the flock out of here - a diary of a crazy chicken man

After a written warning last week, I almost fired Ariel today:

Please confirm if this was completed by Ariel. It was not reported

For Ariel.

Transfer all current organic material – manure, labhang, sawdust and leaves from all compost bays to compost bay 3. Thoroughly wet the new pile in compost bay 3. Do not add any more new organic material after combining all compost bays

Please complete this by Saturday afternoon.

Report when complete

New organic material - manure, labhang, sawdust and leaves – should go into compost bay 1

Lillian: Ariel wet the composed and mix but he did not add the leave coz her is a sneak.

Me: A sneak? That is very bad. Did you instruct him to add leaves?

Lillian: Yes but he said her is a sneak.

Blood is boiling but it was not adding up. Mrs Oz asks same question and translates the response:

There was a snake. Per Lilian the leaves are in the compost pile but not mixed yet. She didn't ask how big the snake was. Ariel was nervous when he told Lilian of the snake that he touched and felt.
Ah the joys of a long distance two language relationship
Glad to know no one was bitten by the sneak and no one got fired over it
and that your wife was on hand to translate Actually for as much as you have going on there, with you being in the states, you and your employees do really well.
Ah the joys of a long distance two language relationship
Glad to know no one was bitten by the sneak and no one got fired over it
and that your wife was on hand to translate Actually for as much as you have going on there, with you being in the states, you and your employees do really well.
our conversations require patience.
I have a guy that is going to Email me for the position I advertized.

He holds a BS In Animal Science with 4 years on a poultry farm as a technical supervisor.


He may be looking for more than I can offer.

We shall see.
I would gladly stuff 100 cubic yards of clay into your golfbag if it had the capacity and a weight reducer equipped in it, lol... any posts we sink in the ground stay exactly there, even if that wasn't the spot it was supposed to be...

Oz, you offer more than any other I have heard of there... seems his only setback would be the lack of regular advancement or higher, more extensive learning in the field...

Hope he sees and appreciates what you have to offer, good luck!
Quote: Or then you could put some french drain pipe on the bottom. Every time you empty a bay, you can take them out, give them a good rinse and put them back. I think they would supply air better to the bottom. I'm not sure if french drain pipe is the right thing to call it, but Home Depot seems to sell something called Perforated Corex Drain Pipe, that looks like the right stuff. Flexible perforated pipe that you can bend around and place on the bottom.

Oz, I hope the snake hasn't laid eggs in there. Or when is mating season for them around your neck of the woods?
Or then you could put some french drain pipe on the bottom. Every time you empty a bay, you can take them out, give them a good rinse and put them back. I think they would supply air better to the bottom. I'm not sure if french drain pipe is the right thing to call it, but Home Depot seems to sell something called Perforated Corex Drain Pipe, that looks like the right stuff. Flexible perforated pipe that you can bend around and place on the bottom.

Hi, Felix! :)

Thanks for the tip! I am familiar with french drains, we call it that too, stores just get technical and confusing with names, lol... so just lay it in a circle or back and forth across the bottom? Or lay it out with an end angled down and out for it to drain away?
And big thank you for sending me to this thread, I love it and Oz is amazing! :D
I had been dealing with red clay soil all my life, and pretty much had a handle on it. Then I moved to our present home. The soil here is sand, not sandy - sand.

Ravyn - As long as the "floor" of your compost area is sloped, there is no need for drains. The organic material will absorb what water it can and the excess will run off. Just make sure it is not a bowl shaped floor unless you are in a very dry area, then it makes good use of all available moisture by holding it longer.

Oz, you need organic material, not clay. What do you get when you mix clay and sand? Cement! I found this out through trial and error. I have your soil issues at my current location. Basically, I compost on top of the garden spots in the winter and turn it in prior to planting. I am building my own soil.

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