Getting the flock out of here - a diary of a crazy chicken man

I am just back from a brutal trip to the airport. we hit 4 funerals that are a walking speed procession from church to graveyard. summertime they can be 5o cars and 500 pedestrians long. two today were like that. it was impossible to get around them. add the 20 plus police check points due to the APEC meeting in Bacolod and it was pandemonium.

Toto shipped the birds under my supervision and did great though with ask the security additions at the airport I had to put my foot down when they wanted to xray the chickens.
Sorry it took so long to get to the airport and back..i cant imagine having to wait for all those people on foot. I'm glad toto is working out so well and hope he stays on. i definately wouldnt let them xray chicks/chickens either, that is rediculous.
yes it is. someone made an edict without thinking it through.

the funerals are a part of life here. we always have to allow an hour for funerals and/or road works.

they have just started tearing up the roads after a few months reprieve. the overloaded sugar cane trucks can crumble a 12" thick concrete road in less than two years.

the good news is that the widening of the roads is continuing. we now have 20km of for lane highway on the way home. they are adding around 10knm per year. its show progress but it happening.
I say, price them according to the fact that they are meant to make some eggs and be either hatched, or the eggs are supposed to be eaten. Selling them at table bird prices seems like a waste of resources.
its my last morning on the farm. I am shipping a few orders tonight then tomorrow I fly out of Bacolod at 630. we have done a lot.

we made another 5 level brooder. that gives us 20 brooders.
we rebuilt incubator 2. it can now hold 240 eggs on auto turners I had here.

we have hatched about 50 quail and should have 100 by the time I return in a month.

we sold 3 pigs, AI on a new gilt and will have new piglets next week.

we have goat proofed the goat fence and built mozza a corral.

we have 20 new guinea keets and have 15 eggs under broody hens

we have 24 local duck eggs and 12 bisaya chicken eggs under broody hens.

we changed the AC in our bedroom.

we refined the feed recipes

we shipped 270 chickens

we hired Florencio and gave him orientation

we attended a wedding

we refocused Ariel.

not a bad effort in 28 days.
Need a vacation after that vacation

Random question, do you know anyone in Cali (Sacramento area) that has unusually colored Silkies? To quote "light gray/blue, buff, splash, red, chocolate and and whatever other "unofficial/non-breed-standard" colors they come in".

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