Getting the flock out of here - a diary of a crazy chicken man

Will the Masters be it or will you go for the Piled higher and Deeper?
Good Luck with your Time Management!
Scott (hugs to the little ones!
Oz, morning.... Thanks for the update.....

28 units is a killer and then some... You'll make it... I have no doubt....

The deal with the goat guy sounds like it might work out very well for you...

And your daily dose of Oz-land is part of my regimen....
I am still alive. Its been pretty crazy.

In my real world life I am trying to play catch up as the job market is now demanding more and more letters after my name. As a consequence, I am actually doing 28 units at college this semester. No point just piddling along. I need a masters degree real soon. This takes up lots of my time so forgive me.

Aside from school, CocoPoultryFarm is doing well.

We have a replacement for Ompoy (the BS in Ag guy). I will be training him on the paperwork and reports on Saturday next week via Skype.

I had advertised the caretaker/gardener position on a classifieds site as well and I have a guy that is really keen. I may just bring him on and see what happens. From a budget standpoint its going to be tough. We have a condo in Manila that we initiated purchase 6 years ago. It was supposed to be finished 3 years ago. We put 50% into it over the first 3 years and then waited. We just got word its ready and time to come up with the balance. Our bank gave us a mortgage no problems but now I need to find the payment each month til i can rent it out. Its going to be tight.

So we need to sell more chickens.

And we just might....

I was contacted by a customer that raises Boer goats. They have just invested imported some excellent stock from Australia and are marketing them at Agri-Link, the largest Ag fair in the Philippines. They want me to have a chicken display at their booth as it will help people stop. So now I have 30-50,000 people walking past our chickens each day. I will give the customers a promo that will track sales back to the trade fair and give DVBoer Farm a decent commission. This could be really huge. Its something I always wanted to do but logistically almost impossible.

Back on the farm. We now have 8 chicken tractors built. It feels really good to have birds outside earlier.
This is most awesome news!
cant wait to read more on this! will you try to make it personally?

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