Getting to the Roost


In the Brooder
10 Years
Dec 15, 2009
I've been working on my first ever power tools building project this week thanks for our chickens.
My 5x8 chicken tractor is looking fabulous (even if I do say so my very unexperienced self), but one possible dilemma. Without measuring it's about 3 feet from the ground to the opening for the hens to get up to the roost area. I had a board 4 feet long that I was figuring I would attach small "steps" to for them to walk up, but when I was holding it up to look at it, it seems too steep.

Any thoughts? Ideas? How big of an opening do they need to get up there?

Northern Utah
Not quite sure what you are meaning about "the opening for them to get up there"? Are you meaning the ceiling clearance of your tractor and how much space should be between the ceiling and the roosts? If your tractor is only 3 ft. tall, I'd just place the roosts 2 ft. from the floor and let them hop up on them from there. They won't need a ladder if this is the case.
Sorry - I should measure and be more specific, but it's dark and late. It's an A frame, so approx 3 feet to the roosting/laying/upper floor area, with another 1 1/2 plus feet inside. Wondering about the best way to get them up there, and wondering how big the opening should be for them to go from ground floor to upper floor.

You might want to post a pic as I'm a little fuzzy about your design. Your chickens will be roosting where they lay and it is an enclosed area that must be accessed from the outside run area? If this is so, some folks make an entrance in the floor near the back wall so they have plenty of room to jut the ramp/ladder out into the run area without it being too steep. The opening can be 10x10 in. and fit all bird sizes comfortably.

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