Giant splash cochin hen or roo?

@tebrewer our coop is prett close to our house- I hear my silkie every morning but not a peep out of him yet.. I'm guessing any day now though... thanks for your help!
@tebrewer our coop is prett close to our house- I hear my silkie every morning but not a peep out of him yet.. I'm guessing any day now though... thanks for your help!
If he is in with your Silkie you may never hear him crow. Cochins are remarkably quiet roosters compared to some of the other breeds and only the lead one crows here.
@spoof thanks for your reply- he and the silkie rooster hang out together a lot without fighting - is that normal for a cochin rooster to be non confrontational? I would definitely say the silkie is the alpha though
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@sagebrush82 yea it's normal cochins and Perkins are the quietest breed on average and if he and the Silkie grew up together he will think he is his father or brother and won't confront him because of that.
Hey, just wanted to let you know definitely a rooster- first crow this morning- well it was kind of a half crow! Talk about timing lol. Thanks all for your help and advice

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