Giblets. Other uses besides gravy?


12 Years
Nov 3, 2007
I do not make alot of giblet gravy but I do wind up with a fair amount of giblets. I was wondering what would be good to use them for besides gravy. I am cooking a turkey today to make freezer room and don't want to waste the giblets or store them. Would the Giblets and drippings be good to season dried peas?
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I fry up the gizzards, Yummy! the heart and liver gets ground up and we use it for shrimp bait. All the other internal organs go next door to our neighbors sled dogs.
Experiment with them. There is very little that has to be thrown away or made into gravy if you're willing to ignore what they are and eat them.

Fried "Rocky Mountain Oysters" are easy to make if you are butchering toms and roosters (you can guess what these are
. There are also some Taiwanese recipes if you're not into frying.

The Taiwanese also have a recipe for cooking the intestines that we're going to try out. Before flipping out, remember that hotdogs and sausage are typically overstuffed intestines. The recipes I have are for using them a little more like noodles.

Gizzards and livers we freeze until we have enough to fry up as a snack. I prefer fried gizzards and others in the household like the livers. It's a win-win situation. Hearts can also be fried.

Any innards we have left over becomes bait and crayfish food for our latest crazy experiment in branching out what we raise to eat.

Honestly, I can't remember the last time we used the innards to make gravy. Usually all the juice from the bird and its neck is more than enough to simmer down into a great gravy and/or stock.
boil them with celery and carrot, salt and pepper and then dredge in flour and fry them up --make a country gravy to smother them in and serve with hot grits and biscuits!! um--um um--that's good eatin....

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