Ginger in the water


9 Years
Apr 21, 2010
Snohomish, Wa
I have heard that you can put ginger or some kind of spice in the chickens water to keep them healthier I was wondering which spice or herb that it is, or if it's even necessary. I hope I am not sounding stupid
I've never heard of putting ginger in their water; maybe it was garlic. Research 'natural' supplements really well before you try it out on a pet. Something that is great for a dog can be absolutely deadly to a cat or a bird. Google 'garlic in poultry drinking water' and see what you can learn.
I would definitely not try this unless I researched it first, I just thought I would ask here first. If it doesn't seem like a common thing that was done I would not even try it. I was just wondering. Someone told me that someone told her thats what they do with their chickens, (you know one of those kind of things) Sorry for sounding dumb, I am new at all of this.
Thank you!! Here is an update on this, she called me late last night and said it wasn't ginger but oil of oregano. So I did a search on oil of oregano and I didn't really find anything on it. I think I will tell her ACV is the best thing for her friends chickens. I on the other hand will definitely try the ACV
Not dumb at all. It was a really good question. I had hoped that someone would answer with a lot of info on chickens and natural supplements. I do know to be careful though. I'd rather find out for sure than make a mistake with my pets.
Interesting...I crave a "sticky list" regarding OK to FEED/NOT OK to FEED as well as a NATURAL REMEDIES/SUPPLIMENTS that WORK/DON'T WORK. Perhaps this exists? Like grapes, onions and chocolate for DOGS...WHAT ELSE?!?! besides DEADLY avacodo can't be fed to birds? Anyone know if we have this somewhere or shall we start a list?
NiceTimeForSomethin'New :

Interesting...I crave a "sticky list" regarding OK to FEED/NOT OK to FEED as well as a NATURAL REMEDIES/SUPPLIMENTS that WORK/DON'T WORK. Perhaps this exists? Like grapes, onions and chocolate for DOGS...WHAT ELSE?!?! besides DEADLY avacodo can't be fed to birds? Anyone know if we have this somewhere or shall we start a list?

I also heard on a thread about the electrolytes and how deadly they are to if you over give it to them, I will try and find it and post that too.​

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