Girl or boy?


In the Brooder
May 3, 2016
6 week old Columbian Wyandotte. Any ideas?
Welcome to BYC. It's early to make a reliable gender guess, but that is a lot of comb for a 6 week old. I lean towards cockerel.
The easiest way to tell is to watch the feathers. Roosters have the longer feathers at the tail, back and neck :) On roosters they're all longer in those areas. More pointy if you will. So keep an eye on those as they get bigger and you'll notice if they're roosters or hens
Hi and welcome to BYC. You have received some good advice, but possibly you may get even more responses if you post your photos on the "what breed or gender is this?" forum.

Best wishes
Thanks for your replies! I'm so new at this! I posted the pictures on the other forum to see if there are any gender experts! I will cry if my CW is a boy. She/he is my favorite!

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