Giving chickens multivitamins?


10 Years
Oct 11, 2009
My birds are looking scruffy lately, espically my roo. They are getting layer feed, oatmeal on cold mornings and I have been putting avia charge in their water at least twice an week. But they seem to be losing a lot of feathers and their "coats" are just not looking very good. I was thinking about crushing up a multivitamin and putting it in their food. I havent done it yet, wanted to get some advice first. Thanks!
I would first check for parasites, both internal and external. If they are getting a balanced layer feed, they should be getting the optimum vitamin/mineral dosage. That is, if the feed is reasonably fresh. The vitamins in very old feed can lose their potency. I would also try adding some extra fat or vegetable oil to the oatmeal. The fat/oil will give them extra energy in the cold weather.

Also, the optimum vitamins for birds likely are not exactly the same as what is best for humans.
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I would also check for lice or mites, but loosing feathers and 'coats' not looking very good sounds like they are molting. Avia charge is a multi vitamin for chickens, so no need to add a human multivitamin to the mix. If they are molting, I would continue the avia charge and give 'treats' of high protein things - like game bird starter, cat food, liver, etc. Feather production requires protein.

Have you noticed a drop in egg production as well? That would also be a sign of molting. Egg production requires protein. They will stop or slow laying during molt, because they need their protein to make new feathers.
I agree with the previous posters - make sure they don't have mites or lice, and up the amount of protein they are getting. I would also up the frequency and give them the Avia Charge daily.
Thanks for the advice!!
I checked them out and they dont have fleas or anything, but I still cleaned out their coop and sprayed it down with some poultry protector. This morning I added some peanut butter to their oatmeal and a little olive oil to their feed, and I will start giving them avia charge everyday(at least for awhile) until I see some improvement. I try to feed them right but maybe their just not getting enough protein. Anyway thanks for all the advice!!! -Brandy
Chickens don't get fleas. They usually are infected with lice or mites. You might do a google search to find out what these parasites look like, and where to find and control them. Mites can be very hard to control, as they hide in cracks and crevices near the nests and roosts. Lice are easier, but can also be a challenge. Don't forget to treat for internal parasites as well. Good luck!

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