Glen's Recovery thread.

I've been following Glen progress and continue to pray for him and for family and friends that are waiting and hoping for a complete recovery.
He is now able to sit in a wheelchair and stand for a few seconds. He still can't talk, but is able to grab a persons hand now. No telling how long before he is able to speak.
Not sure this is even a valad point but how are his motor skills with his hands? Just wondering because my son is deaf and we use ASL (American Sign Language) I think you can see where I am going with this. If it is just a case of his mouth not working maybe some sign language would help it can be quite difficult to not be able to comunicate orally but what if he could talk with his hands until he regains control of his speach? If you think that this would be an option visit the site Good luck and God Bless I will keep Glen in my prayers and thoughts
What an amazing story, I read through it all and could not believe the amazing progress.
What a strong young man and an amazing prayer group.
I pray that everyday gets easier for him and he is blessed with more amazing strength.
Thank you so much! I am amazed myself with the progress he has made. In just one month, from being so close to death that the entire family was called to come say goodbye.
Continuing prayers for Glenn coming from my family, prayer group, bible study and many others in Texas and the BYC as well. We are asking our Lord for a FULL recovery.


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