Gnats killing birds



Loves Hatching
5 Years
May 28, 2015
South Louisiana
This year things are really bad with the bugs. The gnats have blown up across southern LA and i have lost 42 birds. 41 quail and one black bantam frizzled cochin who i loved dearly.

As the quail started dying off i had just read about wood ash containing arsenic if from treated wood. I was convinced i had poisoned my birds and the quail were dying left and right, i lost 10 and 12 a day i had cleaned cages took away all baths gave fresh potting soil and sand iut hoping they could kick back and then i lost that dear little hen. When i lost her i took her to LSU for a necropsy the resulta came back today and "buffalo gnats" are responsible for the losses. Spray everything with premetherin. These blow up will last a few wks until the temps are 85 and above for more than 4 consecutive days
I would see the birds in all the stages watching as closely as possible, becoming more and more lethargic didnt know what i could possibly do more. Horrible.i Knew the gnats were bad wouldve carried me off if there had been anymore of them i was bringing a hand towel out to slap my shoulders have buncha big whelps myself. Never considered these pests could be such terrible murderers.
I was so shocked by this....who'd have thought it possible?? It turns out they kill a lot more than just birds....large animals you would never think could succumb to insects. I found this on the web...

“There can be death due to blood loss — exsanguination,” he said. “There can be death from a large number of flies blocking the air passageway — essentially, suffocation. But if you look at a lot of the literature, it suggests that most of the deaths will be due to toxemia. Basically, the animal reacting to the saliva, the anticoagulants in the salivary glands of the gnats.

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