Goats with mites/lice and lethargic PLEASE PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!

I would treat the entire living quarters with something that will kill the bugs. Maybe a permethrin spray? I'm not sure, need to check to see what is the best premesis spray for lice/mites. Make sure you get it in all the nooks and crannies and probably need to repeat in 10 days to get what hatches in the meantime.

Good luck. Getting rid of them in barn can be tough since they hide in so many little places.
Lemon juice is a holistic lice and flea killer, even the percentage in dish detergent (if you get the kind with real lemon), will kill them. You'll need to leave it on for 10-20 minutes to let it do its work, then rinse very thoroughly. You may need to re-do this a few days in a row to make sure you got them all, as it can be difficult to get every single inch covered. It won't hurt the goat and it will smell great. :D

Some folks like to add garlic to the lemon juice or detergent. We used this at the rabbit rescue, as the poor bunnies often came in covered with fleas and lice, and rabbits don't respond well to chemical treatments.

Lemon juice and detergent is a good instant fix while you do what you need to do for their environment and use whatever else you decide to use going forward.
Thank you everybody, but i think we just found something that works really well! We used this one pink stuff, then I took a blowdryer and it fried the little boogers in a pinch. I do it for thirty seconds blowdrying them, brush off all dead lice, let them cool off for a minute, and go back to it! It really works!!
I ave become a big fan of DmEarth. I would poweder the goats up, spread the earth all over the living quarters, etc and see what happens. Keep in mind that any blood sucking parasite can actually suck so much blood from its host that the host can become anemic, hence the lethargy.
Our dear kids (baby goats) Have LICE!!! Poor molly has them on every SINGLE INCH OF HER BODY!!!! (well, pretty close to it)
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE HELP!! what can we give them? Anything, chemicals, all natural, something that will act quick, she is very lethargic. Thanks :)

we use Diatomacious Earth FOOD GRADE. I dust them with it ,but keep out of the eyes , sprinkle in feed regularly, in bedding area ect.
Don't be too hard on yourself. You could have brought them in on contaminated hay or straw. I'm itchy just thinking about it. It does sound like a heavy infestation. Better get all of the hay or whatever cleaned out of their sleeping quarters and then dust it good with sevin. I would keep bedding material down to a minimum and clean and dust it out good several times before letting the goats back in.
I'm glad the blow drying worked. You can use ivomec 1% injectible on them to prevent reinfestation.
With the warm winter we had this year I suspect we are all going to be fighting bugs throughout the spring whether it's fleas, worms, lice or whatever. I just don't think it was cold long enough to keep the population down. At least in the northern states.
I have been hearing about goats dieing from barberpole worms around here lately. So far I'm ok here but I did worm all of mine anyway.
I guess it's a trade off for having such a nice winter.
We bought some DE awhile back, and have been using it in their feed, bedding, and rubbing it on them, but we stopped a few weeks ago. :(

We cleaned up the girls pen last night, we got down to three inches below the top dirt. We also had really nice weather, but now that spring is here i wish we had a regular winter, bugs are everywhere!!!
we have used dawn dish detergent for lice on baby goats and it works great!! work it into a THICK lather on a wet baby goat, let sit for 10-15 minutes. repeat. dry with warm towels and mabye a hair dryer. needs to be repeated in 3-5 days.
we use Diatomacious Earth FOOD GRADE. I dust them with it ,but keep out of the eyes , sprinkle in feed regularly, in bedding area ect.

We have a Ranch and we use this on ALL our animals ,in all feed, I just add a 1/2 cup to a new bag of feed because its a great dewormer for all, around all the property . It will not hurt any animal except its drying if it gets in the eyes . It kills ants, scorpions, snakes, ect . MUST SAY FOOD GRADE ON PACKAGE. there is one thats used for pools and killing bugs but unsafe for you and the animals.do so research on it. I swear by it.
we have used dawn dish detergent for lice on baby goats and it works great!! work it into a THICK lather on a wet baby goat, let sit for 10-15 minutes. repeat. dry with warm towels and mabye a hair dryer. needs to be repeated in 3-5 days.

I never thought of that!!
i will have to bring that up to my parents!! Great idea!!!

@goldbarranch- the bag says food grade on it :)

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