Goin On A Duck Hunt In The Mornin... UPDATE: WE FOUND THE HIDDEN NEST!


11 Years
Sep 7, 2008
Munfordville, KY
So I got my 1st duck egg yesterday and another one this mornin

Anyways when I went out to feed the animals my duck hen Scarlett was standin right there beside me eatin some food, I walk down to the coop to feed everyone else then look up to see if shes comin (like she & the other ducks do) and shes gone...... didnt see her anywhere & its not natural that she didnt come to the run to eat... ducks always wanna eat, lol. I'm thinkin hidden nest at this point. So I looked around the yard alittle, didnt find her. Came back inside, sometime later looked out the door and there she is just doin her duck thang. Fast forward to tonight I went out to lock everyone up and all 5 of my ducks stick together, hang out all day together, sleep together.... well everyone is there but Scarlett, shes never done this. So in the mornin when I go out to feed and shes there I'm gonna watch her like a hawk & see where she sneaks off to & see if shes been keepin her eggs from me

Question: What signs do I need to look for to figure out if shes broody... (is that whats its called with a duck hen too?)
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Broody Ducks are quite similar to Broody Chickens, they'll fluff up and holler at you LOL My smallest Mallard Hen is broody right now and she's such a hoot, she doesn't quack at you, she makes a bit of funny screech and fluffs her little self all up. When my Pekin Girls were broody they'd fluff all up and quack non stop. I love to watch a Broody Duck, they quack me up ;-)

Not yet... but I've been watchin her all mornin and I think shes knows it, lol. Shes hangin out in the yard with the other ducks right now. I keep checkin. I'll watch her this evenin and see where she goes...
So happy we finally found it & I proved I wasnt goin crazy... I knew she had one! To see pics. check out my blog post... Hidden Duck Nest

So I noticed yesterday was the 1st day she was on it just about all day.... so does that mean today is day 1? Or do you think shes done layin yet? I'm so excited, hope we get some ducklings

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