Going to hatch ducklings need some tips.


11 Years
Oct 5, 2008
ok so I have the incubator running , it's been on for a few hours, so I am needing some tips
I am using a Little Giant still air incubator.I have pekin and possibly pekin-runner mix eggs to go in tonight.
I have looked online and some people say 99.5 degrees but the humidity is confusing. I have no way to measure it, it has 3 channels in the bottom to put water.The middle one is larger and the two-on the sides are smaller.
Should I wash the eggs off first??
No don't wash them. The bloom that is on the eggs keeps bacteria out. You NEED to have a humidity gauge (hygrometer) - go to wal mart or pet smart and grab one. Calibrate it first so you know your humidity is right.

To calibrate: Put 1/2 cup of salt and 1/4 cup of water in a small coffee cup, place it in a large baggie. Place the hygrometer next to it and seal the baggie. Wait 12 hours - it should read 75% but probably won't. You can adjust your humidity from there. Ducks should be about 50-60% - they need higher humidity.
Thanks, is the hygrometer in the hardware section at walmart??
I don't know how to regulate the humity since it has 3 wells to pour water in . will it hurt if I just fill all 3 full?? I am probably not going to do it but I am just curious if that's why theres 3 .
I got my temp to stay at 99.5-99.7ish for about 3 hours now should I leave it on all night to see if it's that temp the same in the morning ?
You will need all three at lockdown, as ducks need to be at around 80% - that is why they are there. I would fill the middle one and wait the 6 hours, then fill more if needed.

You can find a hygrometer, probably combined with a thermometer, just about any place.

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