Going to show off my ignorance!

I've never had aggressive barred rocks, and I HAVE had hatchery birds. I do know that I've hard about aggressive plymouth rock roosters, but not experienced them. My current barred rocks are exhibition lines and sweet as can be. Brahmas are another breed that has a really good personality and is cold hardy.

In my experience, birds not getting along often has to do with which other birds they were raised with. Birds raised in flocks with a wider variety of appearances tend to get along better with different appearing birds than do ones that were raised in a very uniform appearing flock.

Breeds with single combs will have more problems during cold weather than will pea or rose combed birds.
True, it helps, but sometimes not enough... I'm guessing you've gotten lucky. Being raised in a varied flock with tophats, docile birds, feather foots, etc. it still didn't help my orloff, delaware, or my rock

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