Golden 300’s what sex?

The image will not load for me. Please post the picture again if you don’t mind. I have a some experience sexing ducks. How old are they?
They look to young to be sure. Once they begin to start quacking you will be able to tell. The males will make a raspy sound and the girls will quack. The males also get a curled tail feather also know as a Drake feather. I have done vent checking in the past on ducks but it can be dangerous and usually only done on day one of the ducklings life. If you really must know you can try it but you can damage the ducks reproductive organs if done wrong and potentially really harm the duckling. I recommend waiting till you can tell from the first two listed options.
Thanks for the advice! Yah they’re only 4 or 5 days old now. This is my first duck experience. I’m thoroughly enjoying them, they don’t seem nearly as savage as my chicks lol :)

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