Golden Comet Might Be Sick?


In the Brooder
Mar 28, 2022
So I’m doing yard work today near the coop and noticed one of my golden comets is acting lethargic. I’m not usually around them all day long so I was wondering if that’s normal because she’s still eating and drinking, her comb is bright and standing, and she laid an egg today. I have no idea what’s up.


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Only a year. How do I find out what’s wrong with her? She isn’t sneezing or wheezing and she’s still grooming. She’s not easy to catch or I’d grab her.
I would go out early in the morning before she comes off the roost, check her crop to see if it's empty or flat. (Do this before she eats/drinks in the morning)

Hard to know what's going on with her. Check the crop, look her over then to see if she has lice or mites. Get a good look at her droppings.
Go from there.
Does she normally lay eggs? When was the last egg? Has she had issues with egg shell quality? Soft, thin or shell-less? What does her poop look like?

As @Wyorp Rock suggested, wait until she is roosting, either tonight or in the morning, and pull her off and give her a once over. Feel the crop. Determine fullness. In the morning, you need to check for emptiness.

Check her belly for swelling. Swelling in front of the legs can mean liver problems. Swelling behind the legs and below the vent can point to reproductive issues.

This will give us information to get started.

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