Golden comets still not laying

We’re these chickens feathered out when you got them? It is kind of unlikely for a store like that to have birds that long especially these days. They would be flying out of the stock tanks by then. I have had a few Comet type chickens and they all started laying around 4 1/2 to 5 months. My guess is that they were not nearly as old as they said or they may not even be goldenComets, Tractor Supplies are not always reliable information sources. I usually feed my chicks a starter ration and then at the point of lay or around 16 or so weeks switch to a layer ration. I would probably recommend dropping the corn because that is lowering the overall protein for still developing birds.
This is what we had initially.


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Chickens can teach you patience....or not. ;)

Maybe 2-3 weeks old.
Need to see the feathering more clearly to make a better guess.

How long have you been feeding them layer feed and cracked corn?
About a week.
Don’t stress about any particular chicken not laying until they are 10-11 months old. Put that in your mind and you’ll never worry about it again. Some will lay at 16 weeks, some won’t. All mine have come in by 23 weeks latest, so far. (3 generations).
I have six Golden Comets, 23 weeks old, and none have laid an egg, yet.
But, I'll be patient.

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