Golden laced polish chick


In the Brooder
May 10, 2015

Didn't mean to steal picture, but I have a chick that is just like this, golden laced Polish, BUT has a huge white spot on chest/throat area. Is this normal?? And by white spot I mean white round circle of feathers.
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Didn't mean to steal picture, but I have a chick that is just like this, golden laced Polish, BUT has a huge white spot on chest/throat area. Is this normal?? And by white spot I mean white round circle of feathers.
Since no one has responded I will try.
Not sure about what you are asking about "normal". Are you concerned about the behavior or health of your chick?
Looks like the spot on the chest is just the color of the down it has. If he/she is eating, drinking, pooping and acting like a happy chick, I wouldn't worry about it.

If you are asking a breeding/genetics question specific to the breed you may want to ask your question on a breed thread.

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