Golden Laced Polish Gender?

Royal Farmer

In the Brooder
May 3, 2015
Pompadour is 2 1/2 months old. We do not see a lot of wattle development, but there are 2 nubs that may be possible comb growth. The confusing thing is that characteristics of both genders are present. There are the black feathers with the purple-ish, green-ish, blue-ish tint which may indicate cockerel...yet no wattle development or redness which makes us hopeful for pullet. We read something saying that is is possible for the comb to only start growing in at 8 or 9 weeks, so we are still unsure. Pompadour has 50% round feathers, and 50% pointed feathers (especially on the crest which is another factor leading us towards cockerel).
We also heard something about the thickness of the legs helps with gender identification.

When may a polish start crowing?

We appreciate your feedback!

Have you ever had a Polish in your flock before? This is our first time.  

I bought them this year are they have become my friendliest breed of this batch! Mine are from a show line so they might have matured a bit slower than yours, but in my Polish it became obvious at around eight weeks old which were hens and which were roosters because the roosters developed bright red combs and crests that were "messy" looking and the hens combs weren't visible and their crests were neat and rounded :)
Thanks Estes Park, from Boulder ;0)
Liked reading your profile and seeing all your great photos!

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