golden pheasant perch's.


Currently Birdless Hippy
11 Years
Jul 20, 2008
with maurice, the original space-cowboy
i just moved my pheasants into their new diggs,,,and its a pretty big pen,,it has real tree limbs and so on,,,,,,they wont get off the darn ground!! hehe., even in their old pen they just "run" the fence line,,i even have metal roofing along the bottom of the pen,, and they just try to stretch their necks and look over,,hehe,,i've set them up on their perch's,, and they'll sit there 10 minutes,,jump down and start the pacing.,,anyone have ideas to "keep them busy" instead of the pacing,,, i know it usually means their bored,,,but even the guineas wasnt enough "distraction" hehe
Thanks all
How big is the aviary? Is there something around the aviary that is scaring them? Something is bothering them, either something outside is scaring them or something inside is lacking.

Add some rocks, logs and shrubs to the aviary floor. Break up the "pace-path" with some of these objects. A bag of leaves and natural forest litter will also help. Toss in some natural food items like whole apples, sweet potatoes, watermelon as well - anything to break up the pace.

thanks Dan.
i moved a "shade" spot in 1 corner,,, then i ran some metal "roofing" along the bottom,,,,,today i will get some rocks,,,,and some brush ( tumble weeds here in texas haha)
their pen is about 10x10 and 8 foot high.

if you see any problems with this bad pic let me know and it'll be changed very very soon,,,, and again,,,Thanks Dan

HI Jim,

Looks like a good start, I do like how high it is. Being a forest species, Goldens will need a lot of shade (the colors will fade as well, diluting your beautiful bird) from the hot Texas sun. Run some shade cloth over the top & sides of the aviary. The rocks and bushes are going to help you a lot and if you can get to a Home Depot or Lowes, many of their shrubs/trees are on clearance (always raid them this time of year to replace dead or dying shrubs in the pens)!! Re-create a mini-forest and you'll some very happy and content birds!!

Dan,,,,, should i be worried about getting too much stuff in there,,,i'm not thinking of filling it so i cant move round,, but not sure how much "walking" room they should have,, i have shade cloth comming this weekend,, and i'll go over the top and down that west side,,,,would it be o.k. to take 1 of the corners and putting an "arm load" of branch's there for their "safe" spot?. fixing my peafowl pen this weekend,,,,i got flimsy netting over them,, and its only about 10'x 15' ,, and 6' high,,,im adding an old "canopy" we had,,,the framing anyways,,,,its 10'x20' and 8' high.
o.k.,,,SOME good news,,hehe,,well i think its good lol
last night went to put the birds in,,and my male was sitting on 1 of his perch's,,hehe,,,i sat there for 20 minutes telling him how proud i was,,,he even lets me scratch his chest while he sat there,,,,,,,,so,, now all i gotta do is make the hen feel so bad bout NOT flying,,, and show HIM some extra attention while he's up there,,,,MAYBE i can get her too,,,hehe,,,,i got more stuff in there now,couple brush piles,,more rocks,,,getting some shrubs next couple of days,,,,,Thanks Lophura
I think Run some shade cloth over the top & sides of the aviary. The rocks and bushes are going to help you a lot and if you can get to a Home Depot or Lowes, many of their shrubs/trees are on clearance (always raid them this time of year to replace dead or dying shrubs in the pens)!!
alright,,,while WAITING to get more shade screening,, i found this shade thingy that was 54" by 12' ,,haha,,for $!% ,,,thieves!!,, but figured it will do the trick till my other stuff gets here,,,it was 2:30pm when i put it up,,, and thats when they get the most sun and heat,,so i positioned it as best i could,,,this pic is how bad it looks from back,,,,

and this MAYBE shows if you can see,,, how much shade it gives,,,,SHRUBS tomorrow,,hehe


again Thanks Lophura and nohappen

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