Golden sexlinks.. what are they all about?


11 Years
Aug 31, 2008
Humboldt County, CA
SO, rather than the three BO chicks I thought I had it looks like I'm ending up with one BO and two golden sexlinks. Thanks, feed store! Anyway, I have never had a sexlink before. Basically, my question is; what are they like? I have one that seems to be pretty dominant- I can't figure out if maybe it's a rooster or just establishing itself at the top of the pecking order. I wanted BOs for their personality, so hopefully the sexlinks aren't too far from that.
They're lovely birds. I'm sure you won't be disappointed. Click on my home page to see ours, they're 11 months old, hatched May 14, 2008 and laying like crazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzy!

That's the breed (Red Sex Link / Golden Comet / etc.) I was looking at trying out for my first attempt at raising a few chickens.

How is their temperment? I have a 3 year-old daughter and I was curious how they would be around her as they get old (and as she gets older).

Also, how do they deal with the colder weather? As you live in Nova Scotia (and I'm your neighbor over in Maine) how do they take to the winter months?
I have 6 red sexlinks and 3 black sexlinks. they are great layers, eggs everyday right through the winter. they handle the cold well. freezing temps here all winter and no problems. temperment is also great. they are the perfect chicken!

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