Good dog, close call!


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 15, 2013
Northern Colorado
As if coyotes aren't enough. The dog was at the back door barking but it wasn't a normal bark. It was more frantic and intense. I saw something flopping out where the field meets the garden, so I grabbed the shotgun and ran out.

As I turned the corner to flank whatever it was, I look in the chicken run and there was a HUGE bird on the ground with no chickens in sight. It jumped up on the fence and we had a stare down. We were maybe 15 feet from each other and boy was this thing big. Never been this close to a great horned owl! Obviously it is illegal to shoot one so I let him fly off.

Went to where we saw the flopping around and I couldn't find a thing. Went back to the run and slowly and quietly, the chickens started to emerge from under the coop and from within the coop. All present and accounted for.

Not sure what was flopping around but I imagine it (or a partner?) maybe had a rabbit? I looked all over and couldn't find blood, fur, feathers or whatever. I am shocked there was no sign. It was flopping about 3.5 feet off the ground.

The pooch is proud and will get an extra raw egg in her food tonight. Looks like we need to step up chicken watch.
Always nice when the dog pitches in

Several months ago one of my Rhodesian Ridgeback desperately wanted to go out late at night, Thinking the old lady had to do her business (she is almost 14) I just let her out. The next thing we hear is her growling/barking and blood curling screams. When she finally got back to the house she was covered in blood.
A quick check showed no injuries on her and the next morning we saw part of the fence to the chickens was torn away and a few feet away the remains of a badly mauled Fisher Cat. Almost made wish I could have seen it
Guess that made up for the hen the old lady killed last year
Wow, that's a good pooch! My old dog did that to someone who broke into my shed. Hehehe.

There is something about a dog protecting its domain that is really awesome.
Oh yes absolutely! She loves them so much. Every time we let her out, she runs straight to the chickens. When they see her they start making noise. When we let the chickens out to forage, they follow her around the property. It's like the Pied Piper.
Oh yes absolutely!  She loves them so much.  Every time we let her out, she runs straight to the chickens.  When they see her they start making noise.  When we let the chickens out to forage, they follow her around the property.    It's like the Pied Piper.

What kind of dog do you have?
I have a pure bred Rottweiler.  She is awesome with the chicks.  My avatar photo is from when she was about a year old with the chicks.  She was in that weird looking stage.  Now she looks like a rott.  LOL.

I thought she might be. I am on a small smart phone and can't see your avatar very well. Glad she is doing a good job for you. I need a dog like her.

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