Good duck coop?


Apr 21, 2022
Hello my fine people,

I recently acquired ducks to add to my flock. They are in quarantine currently from the rest of the flock to avoid sickness.

I am attempting to create some sort of coop for them, I want to keep them seperate from the rest of the flock, with their coop being closer to the pond.

I would appreciate if you guys would give some opinions on what kind of coop would be appropriate for them... preferably under 200$

I was trying to avoid building anything... but am open to anything.

I was also considering other options, such as storage sheds... such as this, but wanted to get you all's opinion before I do anything:


I think storage sheds are always a good option but they need a tot of modifications.
The most important thing will be introducing big fresh air. Keep in mind that birds are not cave dwellers but outdoor animals. They can't thrive without oxygen and natural light is a wonderful thing. All it really entails is cutting big holes and patching them up securely with hardware cloth.
X2 what @ChickenCanoe said.

The thing about ducks is that they get everything wet, so you have to have ventilation. Cut some windows and cover them with hardware cloth. Make sure it's easy to access for cleaning because ducks get everything wet. And add a lip with a ramp to keep the bedding in the shed because ducks get everything wet. Did I mention that ducks get everything wet? Because they do.

I like using sheds A LOT. But I also have a converted dog house for a secondary coop. Ducks stay on the floor, so it doesn't have to be tall as long as you can still clean it. I almost bought a playhouse off Craigslist once that would have been great, but it wouldn't have fit in the area I needed if to fit in.

Edited to add my dog house coop (this is right before I added the roof):

Something like this would work for a couple of ducks, too, with a few modifications (I love that the roof opens!):
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