Good Enough for layer feed?

I second that one.. I have an uncle from Mexico, quail are popular among their culture. Just about anyone has Hispanic markets in their area. I have at least a dozen.

But I am situated in the middle of a city, but thankfully I am close enough to civilization (Country) that I also have a few feed stores locally. I was able to call a store up and order a bag of startena. 50 pounds for $19. Two weeks later I got a phone call that it was ready for pick up.. Only tricky part is watching the bag and making sure I order before I run out
I wish I lived in Mexico... maybe not.. but it's amazing how you can make a living off raising only quail o.o

Here's a documentary/success story (In another language tho)

That is very interesting magic, but that's no where near Mexico

Vertical stripes are very slimming, but they make ones head look big. Pink on the other hand, slims down the head. Men in skirts.....another story all together.
I'm not a judger, or a hater!

Just waiting for the fan film version with subtitles or voice-overs by Patric Stewart, and Mel Gibson...Just kidding here. Don't be a hater!

The 3 words that I understood were... "Incubator" "Food/feed" and "Water". Go figure!

Lots of coturnix quail, so....I enjoyed it!
Am I the only one who can find chicken (and rabbit and more) feed in the pet food aisle of our grocery stores?

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