Good First Horror Movie For My 11 Year Old

I have seen most of the Saw movies because my horror watching buddy likes them but I am not fond of them. Like you said, I think that they substitue pain and suffering/blood and guts, for real horror.

Some classic Hitchcock would be a good choice also.
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On the other hand... my middle child and his friends watched a movie at his friend's house once. They were going to watch one movie, after he called and asked if he could stay - as it turned out they changed their minds and watched "A Clockwork Orange" instead.

sheesh!! He was 16 at the time - I told him that even at MY age I wouldn't watch that movie. Just creepy and wrong.

I'm with you... I HATE them. I don't do anything even remotely scary. I don't even do the haunted mansion at disneyland. I watched poltergeist at a friend's birthday party when I was 8 and that clinched it. No scary movies for me, ever!
Mojo Chick'n :

On the other hand... my middle child and his friends watched a movie at his friend's house once. They were going to watch one movie, after he called and asked if he could stay - as it turned out they changed their minds and watched "A Clockwork Orange" instead.

sheesh!! He was 16 at the time - I told him that even at MY age I wouldn't watch that movie. Just creepy and wrong.


my 16 year old wanted to watch it too! my husband has it on the list of movies on our xbox so i had him immediately move it to the password protected list of movies.​

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