Good morning everybody


In the Brooder
Apr 21, 2018
Hello everyone my name is Josh and I am honored to take part in this site with you guys and learn from so many experts, skills that will help me with all the birds I have on our farm. I live on a large farm with my wife 2 daughters and my son. Over the past few years we have added livestock to our farm in addition to the crops, so now we have chickens, ducks, geese, pigs, goats, cattle, horses and fish. We also have two level V German Shepherds named Riley and Ares that watch over my family and the farm while I am at work. I am new here so i will just go down the list with the intro template provided from the site. 1. I am relatively new to having birds, we added chickens to our farm about two years ago. 2. Right now we have 84 chickens on the farm. 3. The breeds we have are quite diverse. Silkies, Sultans and Polish (being the favorites or my wife and daughters) Barred Rocks, Leghorns, Wyandottes, Brahmas, Austrlorps, Bantams, Rhode Island Reds, Cornish, Orpingtons and we have a few exotic breeds Ayam Cemanis, Yokohamas and Silver Pencil Rocks. 4. I found the site when our large Pekin Duck male named Aflac who thinks he is a dog and spends more time running with Riley and Ares than he does with the other ducks hurt his leg and although I could tell nothing was broken i was unsure if it should be wrapped or have ice put on it. Luckily I found others on this forum that had similar situations in the past, i took their advise and Aflac is back on guard with Riley and Ares. 5. Hobbies, by far my biggest is firearms. i build them collect them compete with them. My son also is a top level prs competitor and he and my oldest daughter both are two of the fastest 3-gun shooters in their division and my youngest daughter won her first state title last year in rimfire steel competition. We are all preppers and enjoy hunting and fishing as well as going out on the boat and jet skis, four wheeling and riding atv's. We enjoy pretty much everything that goes along with living way out in the country. It has been a pleasure to introduce myself and i certainly look forward to being a member of this site. Thank you for your time.
I know you'll enjoy it here!!
Howdy Josh :frow Welcome!

So happy to have you join us. Congratulations to your daughter and son's accomplishments.
I also build rifles, when I have time. Do you build from scratch or kits? PM me and we'll chat.
Thanks for the wonderful intro! Hope you enjoy your time here with us at Backyard Chickens.

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