Good Morning from Spa City


In the Brooder
Mar 16, 2021
I’m new to this group but not new to raising chickens. I’ve been raising chickens since high school in 1980, more for fun than anything else. My grandmother raised chickens and I got introduced to them the hard way as a toddler, when a territorial rooster thought I was getting too close to his girls and raked the top of my head with his spurs.
I’ve had a few chickens of various breeds off and on since high school, but my wife finally gave in a couple years ago and let me get some more. I’ve got a small barnyard mix of EE’s, Bovan Browns, and a RIR. I want to add a few more so I recently purchased an incubator to see if perhaps I could sell a few eggs here and there.
This site looked fun and informative so thanks for the add and I’m already benefiting from some awesome articles and advice!!
Oh btw—this is Amos and Irene. You may not can tell, but Amos is a miracle rooster. His neck was broken by a predator but after making a cervical collar from a toilet paper roller and nursing him back health, he’s doing nicely and his girls don’t mind his crooked neck at all.


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Sounds like chickens are part of your destiny, as you were marked at an early age (reminds me a bit of how Harry Potter got his scar from You-Know-Who). Good work persuading your wife to let you get your flock. I hope she now appreciates the value of a life shared with chickens.

Amos may be a miracle, but you're pretty awesome for rehabbing that beautiful boy back to health.

Thanks for joining this community, and welcome!

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