Good morning


Oct 31, 2016
Just joined BYC in hopes of getting the best chicken advise around!!
We've had chicken for a year and a half now and have used this site to get a ton of information. So my question is we have three Ameraucana chickens that are about a year and a half old and they have all stopped laying. I can say without a doubt we have not seen an egg out of them in at least 2 weeks. The last 2 months we would get maybe 2-3 eggs per week. Just wondering if that is normal for this breed, are they done laying??
Hi and welcome to BYC - thanks for joining us. Based on what i have read, as the winter months approach, moulting occurs in hens (if you had them as pullets, they will not have undergone a moult last year, and will have continued laying) and egg production takes a backseat until spring. Living on the equator, neither moulting nor a reduction in egg-laying occurs - in that sense, I'm fortunate

More generally, you'll find lots of info in the Learning Centre and if you have a specific topic in mind, just type it in the search box - there's a wealth of information on past and present threads.

You may wish to consider joining your state thread as it will put you in touch with other BYC members in your area -

All the best
Hi :welcome

Glad you could join us here! You sure have come to the right place for all the advice. I too agree with CT that if you are heading into winter and your daylight hours are reduced egg laying all decrease. Molt also can have a drastic affect on egg production. I have 10 hens right now and due to molt and less light I'm getting 2-3 eggs per week.

Good luck for the future and enjoy BYC :frow
Hello there, and welcome to Backyard Chickens! I am so glad you decided to join us! I concur, with what the folks above have said, it is most likely just a changing of the seasons, and they will resume laying in the spring. I hope you enjoy BYC!!

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