Good Morning!


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 2, 2012
New to the forum so thought I'd say hello. I love chickens and my fiance does too so lifes great lol Right now I have a broken down coop that I made from scrap wood with 3 chickens. I am actually not positive to their breed so I wanna post them on here so someone might know. I also have 5 chicks I just bought from tractor supply 4 White Rocks and one RIR bc apparently I have cbcd (chicken buying compulsive disorder) but they says its curable in most cases when you run out of room. :) Anyway, I'm just foolin around, glad to be apart of here and wish everybody good luck with their chickens.

P.S Who else here wants to create the biggest chicken ever???? I DO!!!!!!!!!!!! and the smallest!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So now here comes the long work of finding the right genes, crosses, and dna mutations (sounds less horrible then what it is ie shorter legs, neck)

Has anybody had any luck?

One more thing before I forget my rooster has a top broken beak. So my two questions is 1. What can i do with other chickens nutrients wise to prevent that from happening? And 2. Is there anything I can do for him?

Thanks guys!!!
Hello and :welcome :goodpost:
Good luck with your breeding projects! If you want more help with your rooster's problem, I suggest you post in one of the other sections in Raising backyard chickens, which are patrolled by the chicken genii... is that the plural of genius? I don't know. Anyway, I hope you find everything you need on the forum, and good to have you on board!

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