Good News

Also i cliped the feathers guys when i bought them its been a while and they havent grown back any advice when theh would grow its been roughly a month
Hi freinds its been 16 days since my pigeons laid eggs any idea how long for them to hatch im worried so i have never touched the eggs to check them
Also i cliped the feathers guys when i bought them its been a while and they havent grown back any advice when theh would grow its been roughly a month You are going to have to pull out the clipped flight feathers in order to encourage the growth of new ones. Other wise it may take over a year sometimes even longer before they go through a heavy molt and regain new flight feathers (they do not go flightless like some birds when going through a molt.) This does cause them discomfort so I would suggest only pulling out 3 or 4 at one time they should grow back in a matter of weeks..

Hi friends its been 16 days since my pigeons laid eggs any idea how long for them to hatch im worried so i have never touched the eggs to check them. In a perfect world pigeon eggs hatch in 19 +- days you can candle them after a week to check if they are fertilized of if there is any development .
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They will grow back at the next moult... I personally would not pluck them out... because if you only had them one month its not enough time for adults to settle into the new loft. Give it a couple more months is better to be safe.

Also plucking them is painful for the bird... and you could injure the wing if you make a mistake.
Usually once a year. You probably won't have to wait an entire year... as they were not moulting when you clipped the wing feathers.
Thanks your right its better they settle when is the next moult ?

Where I fly my homers regularly I always check my birds over for damaged or missing flight feathers and pull out any defective plumage.

Depending on how anxious you are to have your birds air borne you may loose patience for them to begin flying. I would wait now for a molt like described by other fanciers. I would personally pluck out any cut feathers that did not molt before I began releasing your homers any distance. They will become easy prey for hawks if not. Even on heavy molts you will find pigeons do not drop all their flight feathers at once.
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I have one egg that hatched under my best pair of homers (should be a solid white in a perfect world). The other egg is a dud. I have another 4 eggs that should hatch within the week if all goes well. Make that 3 eggs one pair tossed out a dud egg today April 12.

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Change feed and light, and they'll moult like a stabbed pillow. Lol
I increase/decrease light, and switch from wild bird seed to layer or other way around. They'll go through a hard moult that way all over,or just switch to layer n wait till five primary flight cut hopefully only to loosen n pluck one at a time at base with needle nose pliers. Mine just sit in my hand as I've done not bothered by just short quick twist as pull while holding wing right below. I've never had them bleed.

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