Good stock, small size. Looking to quickly increase size

If you're wanting larger Buckeyes you just need to find some from a good breeder. Mixing anything with your buckeyes to make them bigger is only gonna leave you with something that is not a true buckeye. Besides, it'd take forever to breed out what ever you add to the buckeyes.
If you can't find any bigger ones, just start culling hard for weight like everyone said earlier.
If you're wanting larger Buckeyes you just need to find some from a good breeder. Mixing anything with your buckeyes to make them bigger is only gonna leave you with something that is not a true buckeye. Besides, it'd take forever to breed out what ever you add to the buckeyes.
If you can't find any bigger ones, just start culling hard for weight like everyone said earlier.

Find Buckeye stock that is of standard size to breed into existing flock or replace existing stock. Otherwise selective breed for size.

You're asking for a world of trouble attempting to gain back the proper feather color and other Buckeye attributes if out cross is used.

That’s what I thought and wasn’t certain at how long it would take to clean up. Sounds like this would be a project for a different time...

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